With the threat of severe weather this weekend and next week, it is important that all students are dressed warmly in a hat, gloves, and a winter coat every day. We also highly suggest that students have warm gear for their feet and legs as well. For safety reasons, students may not be allowed on the bus during severe weather if they are not dressed appropriately. If a school bus were to break down, we want to make sure our students will stay warm and safe. The school's doors open at 7:30, please make sure students don't arrive earlier than that, we don't want them left out in the cold.This weekend we are expected to experience severe weather with negative temperatures and snowfall. If the school were to close due to severe weather, Cascade schools will attempt to notify parent and guardians by phone, email, and text. In addition, the information will be posted on the school website at www.cascade.k12.mt.us and on the school Facebook page. The school will contact the following Radio and TV stations with school closure information; KMON, KEIN, Fisher Radio Stations, KFBB TV, and KRTV TV. Please help us keep you informed by making sure Cascade School has your current contact information.Thank you,Rick MillerCascade Superintendent