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Festive Fun at CPS!

The Cafeteria Crew had extra fun serving lunch on Thursday, October 28th. All students even got a treat with their lunch, no tricks about it!

Volleyball Send Off

The band played the fight song as we sent off our volleyball team for districts! Coach Edmundson discussed the difference between good and bad spirit with the high school students before tossing candy to the crowd and climbing on the bus.

Cold Weather

Winter weather will soon be upon us and although we know that winter storms make us anxious, please know that your child’s safety & wellbeing is our first priority. Once the decision has been made for the school to be canceled, postponed, or released early due to weather, Cascade schools will attempt to notify parents and guardians by phone, email, and text. In addition, we will post information regarding school changes to: The front page of the Cascade School website The school Facebook page: Cascade Schools MT KMON, KEIN, and Fisher Radio StationsIf it is necessary to run buses home early, we will contact every bus student’s parent to be sure that someone is available to meet the bus. We ask that you PLEASE REFRAIN FROM CALLING THE SCHOOL during these times, as it ties up our phone lines. We assure you NO buses will leave the building until EVERY bus parent has been contacted. It is crucial we are updated with any changes to your demographic information. Please make sure Cascade Schools has your current contact information.  We STRONGLY ADVISE all bus parents make arrangements for an EMERGENCY IN TOWN SNOW HOME in case buses are unable to leave. Please contact the school with this information as soon as possible, or email it to HATS, GLOVES, WINTER COATS, & SNOW BOOTS ARE REQUIREDPlease make sure your children come to school in the required cold weather attire!Student arrival on school premises IS NOT to be earlier than 7:30 a.m. If your child comes for breakfast, they may not arrive any earlier than 7:30 am. DOORS DO NOT OPEN until this time, and this is when supervision begins. All children will be required to go outside for recess, except in extreme conditions. Extreme weather is defined as air temperature less than zero degrees, or a wind chill lower than negative 10 degrees. If your child is well enough to be in school, they will be expected to go outside. We thank you for your cooperation in helping keep your children safe this winter season!Thank you, Cascade Schools

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week concluded with a Ghost Out assembly 4th period for the high school and junior high students. Throughout the morning, the Grimm Reaper pulls students from class where they get their faces painted to represent the "death" of the student. After their faces are painted, students are not allowed to talk to classmates as they continue their schedule throughout the day. During the assembly, students read stories and poems explaining how these students died due to the influence of drugs and alcohol. The assembly is a very somber event and students show the utmost respect as they learn about the importance of abstaining from drugs and alcohol. The assembly and Red Ribbon Week is put on by BPA. These students did an excellent job. Other activities they led throughout the week include spirit days, prizes, and elementary lessons. The elementary students were able to experience what it felt like to exercise as a smoker by jogging in place for several seconds and then trying to breathe through a straw. The ease of high school students interacting with our elementary kids in a positive way is one out of many reasons to go to Cascade Public Schools. 

ASVAB Results

Every fall, the Junior Class at Cascade High School takes the ASVAB assessment. This assessment provides them with valuable information even if students are not interested in a military career after graduation. A recruiter came to the school on October 6th to administer the assessment and returned October 26th to go over the results with the students. Juniors received a paper copy of their results, but the real magic happened when they logged into their profile online. Students took time to take an interest survey, then the program matches their interests with their skills from the exam to generate a list of possible careers they would do well at. From here, students can click on the suggested careers and see the beginning and average salary by state, any degrees or certificates required, and even find a list of colleges and the cost per year of each institution. Students also have the ability to search for a specific career and see if they need to improve in any area to better their chances of obtaining such a job. As Juniors poured over the tailored information today, you could have heard a pin drop in the computer lab. Cascade High School looks forward to seeing what these students will do with this information and where their future leads them! 

Great ShakeOut!

The third Thursday of every October is the Great ShakeOut! drill. As we are not in session that day, we practice on 10/25 at 10:25 AM. The students are notified to duck under an item that will provide protection and cover their head while they hold onto the item to prevent it from moving. After the "earthquake" was over, we pretended the building was structurally unsafe and had students evacuate the school. All students and staff executed the plan like experts! Cascade Public Schools is one out of over 15.8 million to buildings to participate in the Great ShakeOut! in the United States.

Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences

Just a reminder that the Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held Tuesday, October 26 and Thursday, October 28 from 4:30-7:00 pm. Teachers have sent out scheduling requests, so if you haven't turned yours in yet, please email your child's teacher to set up a time. We are excited to see you in person this year to talk about your child's successes and goals!

Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair is back at Cascade School!  After only being available online last year, the Scholastic Book Fair will be in our library Monday, October 25 - Thursday, Oct 29, 2021.  The students are excited to see what’s new!We will be open Monday and Wednesday 7:30 - 4:30 and Tuesday and Thursday 7:30 - 7:30. We will be open during Parent Teacher Conferences, so stop on by before or after your conference and do some early Christmas shopping. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Matteson. 

Picture Retake Day

Due to technology difficulties with Lifetouch, retakes have been rescheduled for Tuesday, November 9th.  Lifetouch could not tell me when the September 14th individual school pictures were going to be shipped to the school. So to accommodate the lateness of the pictures, I had to reschedule the picture retake day.  As soon as I receive the pictures, I will get them out as quickly as possible.  Please contact me at 406-468-9383, Ext #108 if you have any questions.  Thank you

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