Hello everyone,
As of today, we have seen a major increase in COVID-19 infections. We will do everything we can to keep the school open. If we have enough staff to have supervisors for each classroom or class, we will be open. You can help us by keeping your students home if they are sick and getting them tested if they show symptoms.
The Cascade County Health Department has issued new rules for isolation and quarantining.
If you test positive, regardless of your vaccination status, you will need to:
Isolate at home for at least 5 days. At home, anyone sick or infected should separate from others, stay in a specific "sick room" or area, and use a separate bathroom (if available). If you must be around others in your home, wear a mask.
Monitor your symptoms. If you have an emergency warning sign (including trouble breathing), seek emergency medical care immediately.
If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you may leave your home.
Continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days.
If you come in contact with an individual who tested positive you should follow these guidelines:
These guidelines and recommendations are applicable if you have CLOSE CONTACT WITH A POSITIVE CASE but have not tested positive yourself.
Quarantine means separating yourself from others who have not been exposed to COVID-19 following a close contact with an infected person. This helps to prevent the spread of the disease. Close contact means you either had direct physical contact with an infected individual or you were within 6 feet of the infected individual for 15 cumulative minutes or more in a 24-hour period.
If you have been boosted OR you have completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine within the last 6 months OR you have completed the primary series of J&J vaccine within the last 2 months:
Wear a mask around others for 10 days.
Test on day 5, if possible.
If you develop symptoms, get a test and stay home.
If you completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine over 6 months ago and are not boosted OR you completed the primary series of J&J over 2 months ago and are not boosted OR you are unvaccinated:
Quarantine at home for 5 days. After that, continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days.
If you can't quarantine, you must wear a mask for 10 days.
Test on day 5, if possible.