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COVID Update 8/24

On the evening of August 23rd, 2021, and the morning of August 24th, the Cascade School District was notified that individuals associated with the District had tested positive for COVID-19. The individuals had contact with others in our school district on or before August 23rd and 24th, 2021. If anyone associated with the District is at risk of exposure, Cascade School District will be in contact with that person to determine a safe and appropriate course of action. Any individuals who were in direct contact have been contacted and asked to quarantine. It is still recommended that any person who feels sick or ill, stay home and seek out their medical provider for specific instructions.Individuals who have been asked to quarantine or isolate will be contacted and provided instructions on when they can return to the school.Please take precautions to prevent the spread of illnesses, wear a mask, practice social distancing, stay home if you are sick, get vaccinated, and get a flu shot. School officials will continue to monitor the situation and will provide further information if and when it becomes available.It is important that individuals who feel ill, stay home to combat the spread of COVID-19.   Remember, the school can test individuals associated with the school if they are symptomatic.Please do your part and help us stay open!


On August 23rd, 2021, the Cascade School District was notified that an individual associated with the District had tested positive for COVID-19. The individual had contact with others in our school district on or before August 19th, 2021. If anyone associated with the District is at risk of exposure, Cascade School District will be in contact with that person to determine a safe and appropriate course of action. Any individuals who were in direct contact have been contacted and asked to quarantine. It is still recommended that any person who feels sick or ill, stay home and seek out their medical provider for specific instructions.Individuals who have been asked to quarantine or isolate will be contacted and provided instructions on when they can return to the school.Please take precautions to prevent the spread of illnesses, wear a mask, practice social distancing, stay home if you are sick, get vaccinated, and get a flu shot. School officials will continue to monitor the situation and will provide further information if and when it becomes available.It is important that individuals who feel ill, stay home to combat the spread of COVID-19.   Remember, the school can test individuals associated with the school if they are symptomatic.Please do your part and help us stay open!

From the Counselor

Hello parents/guardians,I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know a few resources available at Cascade School. My name is Carrie Jones, and I am the school counselor. I work with students in Early K-12th grade. I am here to help you in any way I can. I do send home Thursday food bags home if there is a need for extra food in the home. Also we offer holiday food baskets for both Thanksgiving & Christmas. Our Cascade High School National Honor Society is in charge of our local Angel Tree which provides Christmas gifts for families too. If you are interested in any of the resources we provide please send me an email or give me a call. Even if you received these services last year, please let me know if you’d like to continue this year. You can reach me at or 406.468.9383 ext. 107. We want your students to thrive at Cascade School so please let me know if you have any concerns you have. There is so much we can do to help. Thanks so much! I look forward to getting to know each of you.  Carrie

Website Info

We are in the process of updating our website information regarding the classes and teachers. This will take time, so please be patient. There are a lot of new staff members and a lot of things everyone needs to do. Until everyone has a chance to learn the process and make the changes, there will be some out-of-date information. We dislike misinformation as much as anyone, so we'll get it updated as soon as possible.

COVID update

In order to ensure the health and safety of the staff and students at school, we request that you keep your child home if they have any of these symptoms.  The symptoms are: Cough (new or unexplained) Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing New loss of taste or smell Temperature greater than or equal to 100 or chills Muscle or body aches Headache Sore throat Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea Fatigue Congestion or runny nose (new or unexplained) In addition, please contact the school and arrange to be tested.  Cascade Public Schools can administer a rapid test that will provide a result in 15 minutes at no cost. Please contact a health care professional if the symptoms last for 48 hours or more.If your student has been exposed to an individual who has tested positive for COVID, please contact the school before sending the student to school.  DO NOT SEND SICK STUDENTS TO SCHOOL

Badger Youth Foothball Camp

The Badger Youth Football Camp will be Saturday August 21 - 9am - 12pm.  See the attached flyer for information.

JH/HS Welcome Letter

Dear Cascade Families,As we enter this school year, I’m thankful for opportunity to live and work in such an amazing community. The level of support shown to each other and the school in the past two years is unmatched by any other in the surrounding area. Because of this, our students made progress in a time when many other schools were not able to stay open. As requirements change for public schools in America, we will continue to meet these changes with student safety and learning at the forefront of every decision. Thank you for trusting us with your children.I’m very excited about the change in our Junior High with the structure of their day. They will have a separate lunch from the Elementary and High School. Their core classes will all be taught in the same hallway and by three main teachers. Instead of offering elective choices, students will rotate through Art, Agriculture, Computers, and Social Skills. Social Skills will be taught by our new counselor, Carrie Jones, and will focus on problem solving skills, team work, and thriving at life in general! My office is located right beside the 6th and 7th grade lockers so I will be able to offer additional support to help them adjust. Our High School students will enjoy additional electives as our High School core teachers will no longer be instructing 7th and 8th grades. We are offering Spanish in person, Computer Science, two high school Family and Consumer Science classes (formerly known as Home Economics), Accounting, Ag Science, Advanced Ag, Building Construction, Welding, Small Engine Mechanics, Plant Science, Art, Advanced Art with college credit available, Yearbook, Jobs for MT Graduates, Lifetime Fitness, Independent Business, Physics, MT History, Band, and Exercise and Fitness. Our weight room has experienced a complete make over and I know students will be blown away. We also have periods devoted to MT Digital Academy classes and Dual Credit classes where students earn college credit along with high school credit. There are cost and additional requirements associated with these online classes. This schedule also allows for individual support through Title 1 for students struggling with their academics.I am thrilled to introduce our new staff members to the Junior High and High School Teams. Our Junior High Teachers are Leslie Mills (science), Sarah Pederson (English and Social Studies), and Alissa Johnson (Math and Personal Learning). Our new High School staff members are Kendra Lane (science), Giulia Weeda (English), Amanda Brown (Social Studies), Mike Nelson (Health/PE and Math), Jennifer Ward (Agriculture), and Eliza Papke (Resource). Returning teachers and new staff are all excited to get the year started.As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with ideas, concerns, or questions. I’ve already had some parents contact me with some exciting ideas concerning College and Career Readiness. It truly does take a village for a school to educate and support our youth. Thank you for being part of the team.Respectfully,Nichole

District Welcome Letter

Hello and welcome to a new school year. As we enter the 3rd school year of the COVID pandemic, Cascade Schools will continue to do everything we can to ensure that our students receive the best possible education.  Facemasks will be optional this school year unless there are major changes with how the county and state handle COVID. Please do not come to the school or send your students to school if they are sick.  The school is still providing testing and can test students and staff as needed.  Cascade Schools has great students, and I’d like to thank you for the opportunity to work with your children. We owe it to our students to provide them with the best education possible.  It is the mission of Cascade Public Schools to ensure that our students learn and learn at high levels. Our school board and administration have been working hard in the past year to give our students the best possible education we can.  We want our school to become one of the best schools in the state.  There have been many changes between this year and last year. Those changes have taken place to allow us to ensure our students are learning at high levels. We aren’t making these changes because our school has done poorly with student learning in the past but because we know we can do better and our students deserve for us to do better. The elementary school has made great strides in student learning, and the school is going to continue the process into the Junior High and High School.  We are very excited to continue this process that has been so successful for us. As with any school year, our school has new employees.  I hope you stop by and meet our new employees on back to school night.  Please let our returning teachers and staff know how much you appreciate the great job they are doing for our students as well.Another way we will work on helping our students succeed is with our assignment policy. Our vision is to see every student in Cascade Schools complete every assignment at a 70% or better. We will help our students who are unable to accomplish this by providing them with extra time and extra practice until they have learned the topic.Once again, I’m excited for the new school year and working with you and your students. If there is anything you need help with, let us know.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.Rick Miller

Elementary Welcome Letter

     Welcome Back to School! I am excited to welcome everyone back to school and can’t wait to meet our newest community members. I hope you have had a wonderful summer and are ready for our 2021-2022 school year! Our first day back will be August 16th. We will have a Back to School Night on August 12th from 5:00-7:00 pm with Xcell providing a BBQ beginning at 5:00 pm.     This year will mark my third year as an elementary principal at Cascade and my twenty-first year in education. We are blessed to have one of the best schools in Montana with an amazing student body and the most caring staff that I have ever had the pleasure of working with. I have fallen in love with our community and school and can’t wait to see what this year has in store for us.         As always, I would like to thank our custodial and teaching staff as they have worked towards providing a clean and safe environment for our children. I would also like to thank the cafeteria crew and Xcell for taking care of our kids throughout the summer and providing them with nutritious meals and a safe place to play and learn.     The elementary has had a few changes this year to our teaching staff. Ms. Pederson and Mrs. Johnson are moving to the junior high hallway with the sixth graders. The sixth through eighth graders will have a block schedule with Mrs. Johnson teaching math and interventions, Ms. Pederson teaching English and social studies, and our new teacher, Mrs. Mills, teaching science. Ms. Elizabeth Allen will be teaching 5th grade, Ms. Holten will teach 4th grade, Mrs. Karen Allen will teach 3rd grade, and Mrs. Pepos will teach 2nd grade. Ms. Cooper, Mrs. Stevens, and Ms. Lencioni will stay in their previous grade levels of 1st, Kindergarten, and Early Kindergarten. Please be sure to welcome Ms. Holten, Mrs. Mills, and our new counselor, Ms. Jones, to Cascade. We are extremely fortunate to have them as part of our elementary team!     Our starting time will be 7:55 am, and our release times will be K-3 at 3:45 pm and grades 4-12 at 3:52 pm. When bringing your child to school, we ask that only Kindergarten and Early Kindergarten parents walk their children to the classrooms. Our students who are dropped off or walk will come through the doors at the Commons. The elementary doors will only be available for the students who ride the bus. If you would like to meet with your child’s teacher or an administrator during the school hours, please make an appointment with the person you would like to meet.      Thank you for all of your support and encouragement for our students and school this past year. We are planning on having only in-person instruction this year. Please understand our plan for normal operation will be dependent upon the decisions of the Cascade County Health Department. Any changes it makes will be communicated to you as soon as possible.     I am excited to continue our mission of having all students learning and learning at high levels. I look forward to working with each of you throughout the year, so please don’t hesitate to give me a call or by to see me!     Thank you for all of you do for our kids!     Michelle Price     (406) 468-9389 ext. 106

Bus Drivers Needed

Hello Everyone,Cascade Schools is in need of bus drivers for the upcoming school year.  We currently need a route driver and a substitute bus driver.  If you can help us out in any way, please contact Rick Miller at

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