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2022 Trustee Election Deadline

March 24th is the deadline to file for trustee election!The Cascade Board of Trustees has two vacant seats open - one for the Cascade 3 & B District and one for the Cascade B District representing Ulm.We currently have one candidate filed for the Cascade seat. No one has yet to file for the Ulm Seat.For more information, please contact Karsen Drury ( or 406-468-9383 x 104) or visit our website: Page

Superintendent Finalists Meet & Greet

Once applicants have accepted & confirmed our interview invitation, the names of the finalists will be posted, along with the date & time of their interview. Thank you for your patience & support in this process.

Cascade Elementary Family Reading Night

Our Family Reading Night will be held on Tuesday, March 1st from 6:00-7:00 pm in the Commons at Cascade School. To encourage reading at home, there will be a free book “exchange”, a bookmark craft, places to listen to read-alouds, and a comfortable area to just sit and read. The evening will be geared towards elementary students, but everyone is welcome to attend.In order to provide enough books for everyone, we are asking for book donations. If you have any unwanted books that are in good condition and suitable for young readers, please bring them to the school by Monday, February 21st. This will give us enough time to find the appropriate level for each book and have it ready to find a new home.If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Price at (406)468-9383 ext. 106. Thank you,Michelle PriceCascade Elementary Principal

Cascade PTSA Meeting

CASCADE PTSA MEETINGMONDAY, FEBRUARY 21 AT 4:30PMSCHOOL LIBRARYItems on the agenda include: Spring fundraiser information, reminders about what PTSA does and membership for this year.Please come and enjoy some conversation as well as do some planning for upcoming events!

Tournament Brackets

Both teams won on Thursday, so there are 2 games on Friday. Click here for band information.Here are the brackets for our District Basketball Tournament in Conrad.Girls' BracketBoys' Bracket


 We now have a bus going on Wednesday! We only have 25 seats available for Wednesday's bus so we are offering seats to Seniors first, then Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshman then 8th grade. Permission slips MUST be turned into the attendance office BEFORE school starts Wednesday morning in order to be put on the list. If I do not have your permission slip, your name will not be on the list and you will not be permitted to ride. If you are buying an all session pass you must purchase in the attendance office by the end of the day today (Tuesday). Otherwise it is $8/game. Wednesdays bus will leave at approx. 12:15p, students will be released at 11:50a and given the opportunity to eat lunch before departure. Both permission slips are attached, please be sure to send the correct day as Wednesday's slip will excuse students from school. Thursday, the bus will be leaving at 6:15a. Permission slips and admission fee is due before you get on the bus. Admission is $8/game or $25 for an all session pass. All Session passes can be purchases in the Attendance Office, $40 for adults/ $25 for students or seniors and must be purchased before the end of the day Tuesday. You can download and print a permission slip (attached) or pick one up in the attendance office. Please have your student sign up in the attendance office, ASAP, if they intend on going so we have an idea of how many students to expect.  If you have any questions feel free to call Tina Mann in the attendance office. 406 468-9383 #101

BPA Valentine's Day

Share the love with BPA's annual Valentine's Day fundraiser. Follow the link to the google order form: VALENTINES FORM 

Charles Hawn

On January 27, 2022 we had a moment of silence to honor one of the members of our community who recently passed away.  Charles Hawn had been a part of our high school wrestling community and was a dear friend of our high school wrestling head coach, Jason Lorang.  Prior to the start of our last home wrestling event, we decided to honor Charlie in a moment of silence.   There are many in our school community mourning his loss. We understand many of you would have participated in this event if it was publicized.  We apologize to the Hawn family for not making this public.  We did not plan this event with enough time to get the word out. The moment of silence was done out of humility and respect as well as to honor a wonderful individual.

Science Fair Rescheduled

Science Fair will now be held on February 22nd. Projects will be judged during school hours and the public is able to come view in the evening beginning at 6:00 PM.

Reading Night Rescheduled

The Reading Night previously scheduled for Tuesday, January 25th has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 1st. It will begin at 6:00 pm and be held in the Commons. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Price at (406)468-9383 ext. 106 or at

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