11/25/2024Montana students will take the Montana Aligned to Standards Through-Year (MAST)assessment in mathematics and reading/language arts in the 2024-2025 school year. Thisassessment is Montana’s measure of student proficiency on the state content standards ingrades 3-8. These standards establish goals for what all students should know and be able to do in each grade. This assessment includes math and reading/language arts testlets that have items that reflect a range of difficulty levels to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills. Testlets include multiple choice, matching, ordering, short text entry, technology-enhanced, and an ELA constructed writing response test items. Score reports in individual testlets are available throughout each testing window as they are completed and generated.This through-year assessment provides critical information about student learning, but nosingle assessment should ever be the sole factor in making an educational decision. It isimportant to remember that assessments provide only one measure of student learning, butwhen combined with grades, classroom activities, unit quizzes and tests, and district-levelassessments, the results of statewide assessments can help provide a complete picture of your child’s abilities over the course of the school year and path toward academic success on these content standards.To find resources to aid in interpreting your child’s report, please visit the Parent Resourcessection of the MAST Portal website. The MAST Student Score Report Interpretive Guidancedocument directly supports understanding and using student level testlet reports.Here are some highlights for this student report:• Students receive separate testlet scores for each math and reading/language artstestlet.• Information is provided at the standard and question level to better understand studentperformance.• Math testlet reports include misconceptions students are demonstrating throughresponse patterns, while ELA testlets include information on clustered topics ofstandards.• Students will receive a separate summative score for math and reading/language arts inthe fall of 2025.We are excited to provide your child’s score reports through a secure website called Kite®Parent Portal! Kite Parent Portal allows you to access your child’s score reports from allassessments administered through the Kite Student Portal.To get started, please watch this introductory video to learn about Parent Portal:https://vimeo.com/905694120When ready, access the Parent Portal at https://parentportal-testlet.kiteaai.org Enteryour email address registered with your child’s school district in the Email Address field.You will then be emailed an access code that is valid for 24 hours.Additional resources can be found on the MAST Portal. Here you will find the Kite ParentPortal Manual and guides to student score reports. As always, if you have any questions,feel free to contact your student’s teacher(s) or the School Counselor, Kelsey Brown,kelsey.brown@cascade.k12.mt.us. Thank you for using Kite Parent Portal!Michael Wilson, K-12 Principal 406-468-9383 ext. 106Kelsey Brown, School Counselor 406-468-9383 ext. 107