On March 23rd the Student Council attended the District 2 Student Council Conference in Power. The members that attended were Victoria Kirby, Micah Rockwell, Jacob Marko, Sydney Gutierrez, Kayleen McKamey, Madi Ward, Jazmyn Halvorson, Blake Leardini, Audrey Rumney, Nic Deshayes, and Ian McKamey. It was a very well put together convention and the student council had a great time. Jessica Criss, Miss Montana gave a great keynote speech. She talked about what it means to be a leader and the three main things she believes make a leader but how that can mean something different to each of us. Miss Montana is a black belt in Jiu Jitsu and after her speech she showed the group some defensive moves and had the group practice. The Student Council is ready to fend off unwanted attackers while upholding the martial arts honor code. We then moved on to an iron chef workshop where each school had to put together a dessert using all and only the ingredients on the table. Cascade's presentation was top notch and it tasted pretty good. Next was lunch and after that we elected District 2 officers. Jacob Marko ran for several offices and won the Parliamentarian office. He gave a great speech and will do a fantastic job representing Cascade and District 2. We have a great group of leaders and I look forward to seeing how they lead the school next year.