Dear Parents and Community,
Thank you for your patience the past couple of months. From not knowing if graduation would be virtual, drive-in style, or canceled completely, we have all been through quite the loop. I am happy to say that through many meetings, phone calls, text messages, and emails, I believe we will be able to offer a wonderful graduation ceremony.
Please plan to have a board display for your senior. We will have tables set up and labeled with each senior's name. There will be two students per table. I believe posters are to be posterboard sized. We are planning on having the tables by the concession stand.
Seniors will meet in the library before walking out to the bleachers for the Processional. They will parade out to the front of the home bleachers, up the stairs on the far side, and stand in their places on the bleachers for Anthem.
I will deliver a Welcome and Introduce our Speaker, Mr. Sukut. The podium will be on the track. After Mr. Sukut's speech, I will announce the Student of the Year, then we will hear from our Salutatorian and Valedictorian. These two students' families are going to be seated on the field closest to the podium so they can record and photograph their child speaking. I will announce the Teachers of the Year.
Next, we will have students present flowers and pick up their diplomas. Each student will walk down the bleachers, pick up three flowers, walk to the podium, announce who is getting their flowers (and why if they want to), then pick up their diploma from the table, and step onto the platform for pictures. There will be a location saved for parents to take photos in front of the platform. There will be plenty of time for parents to change spots while students are walking down and announcing flowers. Students will then return to the bleachers. Mr. Miller will present the graduating class and the students will proceed to walk down the bleachers and join their families for the Recessional.
After the ceremony, families will load up in vehicles and drive the parade route for Homecoming twice. The firetrucks will lead the parade through town.
Guests and seating:
We will be following the state protocols for social distancing at graduation. Seniors may have as many family members and guests attend as long as 6 feet of distance is maintained between parties. Each student will have a section assigned to them on the field, designated by their yard signs. We will place yard signs on the field by having a drawing to be fair. If your family or party is larger than the space provided, they will need to find room on the outer perimeter and maintain 6 feet of distance from other parties. Graduation guests must bring their own seating.
Inclimate weather:
It's going to be a be-a-u-tiful Sunday. However, if a crazy Montana spring storm blows in, we will postpone. We may postpone by an hour or two, or a day or two. The next sunny opportunity will be when we graduate these amazing young adults!
Slide show:
We have three amazing seniors working on the slide show. It will be posted on our webpage for all to see.
Streaming the Ceremony:
The link will be posted on our webpage along with the program and speeches.
Again, thanks for all the suggestions and problem solving with me. There has been a lot of waiting for information on our side and your side and I appreciate your patience and understanding. I love our seniors and want to see this be a positive experience for them.
Nichole Pieper
JH/HS Principal
Cascade School District