Y'all may have noticed over the past several months presence of an Osprey nest embedded with the top row of lights on the football field. It's a common occurrence....wherever there's a high spot, a nest will be built. In recent weeks we've observed momma Osprey flying back and forth from the river with a fresh fish catch for the single offspring that hasn't flown the coop yet. Maybe this was the reason why the nest hadn't been abandoned yet, as this morning several people observed and reported the young Osprey entangled with parts of the nest, and flailing while hanging below the nest, near the lights. A call was placed to FWP, but a timely response was not possible, so our very own Ag Teacher Eric Tilleman and Bus Driver Lee Disney (who owns a lift), rose up to the occasion (that's a play on words) and rescued the young Osprey from its entanglement. Once on the ground and freed of the debris, the young one attempted flight (maybe for the first time) and made it up by the score board. It's attempted landing on the scoreboard didn't go well, probably due to the bum leg, and the bird landed along the incline south of the goal post. A check of the area later showed no signs of the bird, and no return to the nest. We hope it's on to a good life, and hope we can get to removing the nest now, which is a potential fire hazard because of the hot lamps used to light the football field.