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The school spelling bee will be Tuesday, Feb. 6 at 2 PM. The following students are participating:4th: Finnah, Aubrey, Amelia, Lane5th: Dominic, Hal, Carsyn, Jude6th: Braedyn, Atley, Jeramiah, Sam7th: Trayden, Wyatt, Preslee, Carter8th: Justin, Skye, Rikki


Your Cascade Business Professionals of America (BPA) students have been working hard and achieved success at the State Regionals in Great Falls recently. Now they are fine tuning their projects and many will continue on to State BPA scheduled March 12th and 13th in Billings. Good luck to all the students, and to their advisor Ms. Linda Cotton.


CONGRATULATIONS to our 2018 Geography Bee Winners. They are: 1st place: Trayden Tait.  2nd place: John "Wyatt" Seely.  3rd place: Cassidy Sewak 


Over the past two years there has been some discussion, and community requests for a video broadcast system in the north gym and football field, to broadcast the football, volleyball, wrestling and basketball matches/games over the internet. Home-bound family members nearby, or distant relatives, could then watch the games for a small fee. Individual game subscriptions, or season ticket subscriptions could be purchased, and the school would get 10% of the "tickets" sold. Several districts around the state already have the systems in place, and the company is busy fullfilling orders for new systems now. We're still awaiting information on the sound piece of the system, if commentators can be integrated. The video is 4k high definition. For more info on the Pixellot system, look here: question to you is: Would you be interested in having the system installed at Cascade Schools? Please send email to


SEEKING COMMUNITY INPUT regarding the school web pages. The school web pages, hosted by IES Cyber Schools, were updated last summer to accommodate the federal Americans wtih Disabilities Act. The compliance requires schools and other government entities accommodate those site visitors with disabilities full access to the data contained on the pages. One main area of concern was lack of a descriptive text of pictures for those with vision impairment. The update by Cyber Schools ensured compliance with the ADA requirements. The update also implemented a Google calendar to replace the Cyber School formatted calendar at the request of webmasters/assistants to use one calendar vs. entering the same data twice to two calendars, then updating two calendars when event times and dates changes. Cyberschool then closed out their old calendar and adopted the Google calendar for those schools using Google. We can't go back. The calendar formatting has been improved, but it still doesn't "print" as good as it used to. Printed calendars have become a relic in the industry of fast changing schedules. Cyber Schools continues to improve the calendar and other functions of the web page. There have also been a few comments about the need for a mobile app version for Android and IOS Apple. While such an app would be nice, the cost of developing the app (from Cyber Schools) was expensive. The price has recently dropped to one time $950 fee for app development of our web pages, and then $500 yearly maintenance. In the past, when the cost was estimated much higher, we didn't have the support of students, staff, or community to make the expenditure. We'll consider inputs from the community whether to go forward with this initiative. Tech levy funds would be used to support this, as they are already used to fund the school web pages at $790 yearly.Please email your comments to Dave Dobbins at


Click HERE, or navigate here to view the Boards response to the "Did You Know" document: School Board, Meeting Minutes, and click on View PDF of the Resource named "Comittee Response to DID YOU KNOW. 


The Cascade Schools Board of Trustees has received several inquiries about the Advisory Petition Council meetings in regards to the “Did You Know?”document  and the Petition received by the Board.  Although the Board had no legal obligation to form a committee to respond to the “Did You Know?” document and the 20+ pages of signatures attached to the Petition, the Board decided that it was important to form a Committee to review the claims made in the document and to respond accordingly.  This Board is committed to “Community and Collaboration” – a Core Value of the District.  We are further committed to making decisions based upon fact and that support the students we serve. As the elected governing Board of Cascade Public Schools constitutionally charged with supervision and control of our local public school, it was important to confine members of the Committee to members of the Board of Trustees as the response to the “Did You Know” document and the Petition will ultimately be endorsed by the Board.  The documents and findings that the committee has gathered will be presented at the January 16th regular board meeting.The Board or the administration has not nor will not review the signatures on the petition.  If a member has an issue with anything occurring at the school please follow the Uniform Complaint Procedure as defined in Policy 1700.    Rick Cummings, Board Chair Cascade Public Schools


 Members of the Cascade School Band participated in the Tuba Christmas event held during the Christmas Stroll in downtown Great Falls last Friday.  Mr. Skogley was their director and students Tori Weiss and Zachary Douglas played their instruments with the nationally known group.  Way to go Cascade Band!!!


Cascade Public Schools music events for December: The high school band and choir and junior high school band Christmas concert will be Tuesday, December 12 at 7:00 pm in the north gym.  Special guests are a possibility!!The elementary Christmas program, "Songs of the Season" will be presented on Thursday, December 14 at 7:00 pm in the north gym.  Also included in this event are the 5th and 6th grade bands.The annual Music Department pie social will follow the elementary program in the school cafeteria at about 7:45 pm.  Please come and share conversation, pie, and a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Claus!Hope to see everyone at these events!


Welcome wrestlers to the annual Badger Invitational Wrestling Tournament on Fri Dec 1st and Sat Dec 2nd. Schools from all over the region will be here in the North Gym taking part in the fun and competition. There will be concessions open, so come hungry and thirsty and stay all day!

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