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Missed the Military Appreciation Video?

If you missed out on seeing the Military Appreciation Video, hosted by the Cascade Boosters, at last Friday's basketball games, a copy is posted HERE so you may watch it. Click where it says Military Appreciation Video on the Students Cascade page. Enjoy. 

Cascade HS Students Testify

Cascade FFA students Merle Infanger and Kacie Cummings are pictured here in front of the Montana state capitol building last Thursday before giving testimony to the House Appropriations Committee on legislation to increase Career & Technical Education (C&TE) program funding. Passing of the legislation will bring much needed money and greater opportunities to Montana's C&TE programs and put us on par with other states.

Music Dept Fundraiser

It's that time of year again-time for the Cascade Schools Music Department annual turkey dinner and concert!  The dinner will be Monday, March 2, with dinner beginning at 5:00 pm and going through 6:30 pm in the school cafeteria.  The concert will follow at 7:00 pm in the North gym and will feature grades 5-12 bands and the high school choir.  Special musical guest will be Pete's Little Big Band, playing us into the concert and providing some big band tunes between school groups. This is the major fundraising event for the music department and we look forward to seeing you at the dinner and concert.  Tickets will be available ($10 each, or $11 at the door) from any music student in grades 5-12 as well as in the school office and from Melody Skogley at 468-9380. If you would like to help serve and/or help with clean-up, please contact Melody. More information will follow-please keep your eyes open for posters and ticket sales! Hope to see you there!

State Wresting

Please congratulate members of the Badger Wrestling team and coaching staff on their fantastic performance at Divisional's this past Saturday. The Badgers finished 4th overall which was the highest placing among Class C schools. Six Badgers qualified for the State meet with John Pepos winning 1st place, Roman Lorance 2nd, Dave Diangelis, Josh Pepos, and Joe Pickard finishing 3rd, and Sawyer Evans also qualifying. The Badgers represented all of Cascade with class, pride, and outstanding sportsmanship. Good Luck at State! Note: The State Wrestling Tournament will be broadcast live on the internet Saturday, Feb 14th. See for more information. The cost is $9.95 for the one day broadcast.

Honoring our Veterans

The Cascade Boosters Club thanks all those men and women who have worn the uniforms of our Armed Services of the United States, and particularly those associated with Cascade and Powers Public Schools. In recognition of their service, we'll play the following slideshow, accompanied with a rocking rendition of the Star Spangled Banner by Madison Rising, before the Cascade vs Power Girls Basketball game on Friday, Feb 6th, at 6pm. Click on the picture to start the slideshow.

Geography Bee Winners

What started out with a field of 25+ students vying for the title of school Geography Bee Champion, and a trip to the State Geo Bee coming shortly, ended with the selection of 6th Grader Aedan Sewak as our big winner. 4th Grader Adair Arnold was the runner up. Both students performed marvelously, correctly answering a diverse number of U.S. and world geography questions toward the championship round. Other students were eliminated when they answered a second question incorrectly. The Championship round came during the 2-hour mark and amid some really tough questions. Aedan answered a question correctly and became the winner.

Congrats Lady Badgers BBall

Congratulations to our Lady Badgers Basketball team! According to the latest rankings on, our Lady Badgers are ranked 6th in the state overall and 3rd in Class C! They still have work to do in the season but please congratulate our players and coaches on their great start to the season!

Boys Basketball Fundraiser

The Boys basketball team is selling raffle tickets for two fire pit rings (one Bobcats, one Grizzlies), and will also have a silent auction on Senior Night (February 13th). Raffle tickets are $10 each or 5 for $40. Proceeds will benefit the boys basketball summer camp. We will be selling ice cream and baked goods. If you are a parent and would like to help or give something to the auction to help the boys please get in touch with Mr. or Mrs. Grimes at the school. Thank you.

Telephone System Changes

  We're in the process of improving our telephone automatic attendant to help connect you as quickly as possible with who you want to reach when calling the school. Our goal will be to answer your calls in person from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. each work day, and have the auto attendant help route your calls from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 pm daily. We'll adjust the schedule for Friday early outs. Hopefully there won't be any glitches, but with all the menus and check boxes to configure, we're hoping we've got most of it right the first time. If you have any problems with the system, please send feedback to Mr. Dobbins at the school, ext. 100.

Happy Holidays

From Our "House" to yours, Happy Holidays everyone. We'll see you all back at school Monday January 5th, 2015.

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