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The Cascade Music Department would like to invite you to our annual High School/Junior High School Christmas concert.  The concert will be held Monday, December 14, 2015, in the North Gym at 7:00 pm.  The students have been working hard on their holiday tunes and are anxious to present them to you, the audience! Once again this year, the members of Tuba Christmas will be our guests and will provide you with familiar Christmas music played on tubas and euphoniums.  Look closely, there may be some familiar student faces in the group!  They will play for a few minutes prior to the concert (so come early!) and will play between groups to give them time to set up. Please tell your neighbors and friends and we'll see you Monday, December 14 at 7:00 pm!


A couple months ago our School Board gave their support to a project of modernizing the sports records and memorabilia in the Commons area. We've installed a large screen HDTV that is providing information and ongoing activity around the school, and digitally present sports and academic achievements throughout the years. After much hard work formatting and configuring the display, it's up and running now. There's also a picture library that we'll add to, and a link where we can show the TV/Media Production class efforts they are uploading to Vimeo. Comments welcomed, and may be directed to Mr. Dobbins at the school.


We'd like wish our staff, students, parents, and community a wonderful Thanksgiving. The school will be closed Wednesday through Friday for the Thanksgiving break. If you need access during this time (and don't have a key), please try calling the school at 468-9383 in case there are school personnel in the building who can answer the phone. Otherwise, we'll see you all back here Monday, November 30th, bright eyed and bushy tailed.


Holy Badgers! The annual wrestling tournament is quickly approaching! December 4th and 5th, to be exact. We are in need of several volunteers to help make it another successful Badger event. If you are willing to help out in any way, please contact Lucinda Woodland at Cascade High School, 468-9383 x104. Areas that we are in need of assistance are:   Scorers/Timers     Bout Card Runners     Mat Boys     Hospitality Room  Gate Workers (paid, please contact Jeff Grimes)     Concessions (please contact Liz Grimes) Award Presenters     Housing   Please show your support by attending, too. This is our premier event of the year, let’s make it a great one!


IT’S A DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT! Where/When: December 27th at Cascade School! COST IS $10/TEAM + A CAN OF FOOD PER PERSON!  The signup form is available here or stop at Town Hall to get one! Teams can be all male, all female, coed and any ages! The more, the better!


Congrats to members of the first Adult Ed Spanish I class for completing their initial classes last week. They celebrated with Mexican food, of course. Muchos gracias, Senor Castellanos, para tu instrucion muy fantastico. Mr. Castellanos is interested in teaching another class if there are enough people who would like to take it.

Ulm School Christmas Bazaar

On December 5th the Ulm School Academic Booster Club will host their annual Christmas Bazaar in the school gym from 10am to 2pm. You will be able to shop for Christmas gifts as well as have some chili for lunch. There will be gift baskets and succulent plants for auction. A photographer will be on hand to take your family Christmas photos. There are more activities and events planned. If you have any questions, please contact Angie Hastings at 750-1496 or by email:

FFA Trip Report

Our FFA students reported to the Board at this week's monthly meeting, and showed a Powerpoint presentation they created highlighting their recent trip to FFA Nationals. They earned two awards, a Bronze for Market Plans and a Silver for Ag Communications. Congrats to the students, and GREAT job on your Board presentation.

Turkey Bingo Wrapup

Our 3rd Annual Turkey Bingo was held Thursday night in the Commons. We had about 75 people, ages 5 to 95 attend, and EVERY household won a turkey to take home. We supplemented the games with tickets used to draw 10 additional prizes who got $15 gift cards and one $50 gift card. We love giving back to community. Special thanks to Liz Grimes for helping coordinate the concessions, Mrs. Strobbe for the dee-lish cookies, and to all those who attended.

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