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    April 14, 2022


    On April 13 the Cascade Senior Government Class traveled to Great Falls to watch court proceedings by Judge Phillips and Judge Grubich. When we first got to the courthouse one of the officers of the court brought us all the way to the top of the copper dome to look out. It was a magnificent view. He told us that during WWII soldiers were posted at the top to watch for planes. Judge Grubich then showed us his chambers and the offices of his staff. The building is so old and beautiful. Next to his office are the cells where they keep inmates during court proceedings. Several students went into the cells to experience the full ambience. Next we headed down to Judge Phillips courtroom to have some time to ask him some questions the students put together. After their questions he had court and we got to watch 7 cases. After lunch we headed up to Judge Grubich's courtroom where we were able to watch several more higher level cases. The whole trip was very interesting and great for the students to see so many different sides of the Government. 

    Article by Amanda Brown

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