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September 01, 2021

Dear Cascade Families and Community Members,

It has been amazing in our classrooms these past three weeks! The students are diligently working on new skills, and the teachers are getting to know the students in their new classes. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful group of students and staff.

Thank you for your patience and  support as we are trying to manage the health of the students and community while providing the education our kids deserve. I know it has not been easy on you and your families. Our main goal is to provide safety for our students and staff in a way that will still allow them to learn at high levels. Thank you for your input and concerns from these past two weeks. If you would like to meet with either me or your students’ teachers, please contact us so we can make an appointment to fit your needs. As in prior years, if you would like to come in during school hours, stop by Tina’s office at the Commons so she can get you entered into our RAPTOR system and help direct you to the appropriate location. 

Make sure to check out the Cascade School’s website and the classroom webpages for information throughout the year. Not only will you find a calendar of events, you will also find athletic forms, contact information, board agendas and minutes, and other news items. We will be hosting a Math Game Night on September 14, 2021 from 6:00-7:00. Please come join us while the teachers and students share games that can be played at home to encourage family involvement. These games are a fun way to reinforce skills needed across grade levels. We hope you will join us. 

We will begin our fall benchmark testing in reading and math in the next few weeks. These tests are important because they help us pinpoint areas of strength and weakness so we can best meet your child’s individual needs through our reading and math intervention programs. As a Title I school, we provide all of the elementary students an intervention path that will help them reach their fullest potential. It is our goal in the elementary to have at least 80% of our students show a year’s growth. Please encourage your child to do his/her best work on the benchmark tests so our data will be as accurate as possible.  

As with every year, we will be using the PAWS behavior expectations in our school. PAWS stands for Positive attitude, Act responsibly, Work ethic, and Show respect. Each student and staff member practices modeling the expectations every day. It has helped create a strong learning environment where everyone gains the confidence to take chances and try their best.  

Thank you again for another great beginning at Cascade Elementary!


Michelle Price

Elementary Principal

406-468-9383 ext. 106

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