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August 06, 2021

Dear Cascade Families,

As we enter this school year, I’m thankful for opportunity to live and work in such an amazing community. The level of support shown to each other and the school in the past two years is unmatched by any other in the surrounding area. Because of this, our students made progress in a time when many other schools were not able to stay open. As requirements change for public schools in America, we will continue to meet these changes with student safety and learning at the forefront of every decision. Thank you for trusting us with your children.

I’m very excited about the change in our Junior High with the structure of their day. They will have a separate lunch from the Elementary and High School. Their core classes will all be taught in the same hallway and by three main teachers. Instead of offering elective choices, students will rotate through Art, Agriculture, Computers, and Social Skills. Social Skills will be taught by our new counselor, Carrie Jones, and will focus on problem solving skills, team work, and thriving at life in general! My office is located right beside the 6th and 7th grade lockers so I will be able to offer additional support to help them adjust.

Our High School students will enjoy additional electives as our High School core teachers will no longer be instructing 7th and 8th grades. We are offering Spanish in person, Computer Science, two high school Family and Consumer Science classes (formerly known as Home Economics), Accounting, Ag Science, Advanced Ag, Building Construction, Welding, Small Engine Mechanics, Plant Science, Art, Advanced Art with college credit available, Yearbook, Jobs for MT Graduates, Lifetime Fitness, Independent Business, Physics, MT History, Band, and Exercise and Fitness. Our weight room has experienced a complete make over and I know students will be blown away. We also have periods devoted to MT Digital Academy classes and Dual Credit classes where students earn college credit along with high school credit. There are cost and additional requirements associated with these online classes. This schedule also allows for individual support through Title 1 for students struggling with their academics.

I am thrilled to introduce our new staff members to the Junior High and High School Teams. Our Junior High Teachers are Leslie Mills (science), Sarah Pederson (English and Social Studies), and Alissa Johnson (Math and Personal Learning). Our new High School staff members are Kendra Lane (science), Giulia Weeda (English), Amanda Brown (Social Studies), Mike Nelson (Health/PE and Math), Jennifer Ward (Agriculture), and Eliza Papke (Resource). Returning teachers and new staff are all excited to get the year started.

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with ideas, concerns, or questions. I’ve already had some parents contact me with some exciting ideas concerning College and Career Readiness. It truly does take a village for a school to educate and support our youth. Thank you for being part of the team.


Nichole Pieper

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