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March 02, 2020


Dear Cascade Families and Community Members,

I cannot believe how quickly spring is approaching. We have another busy month ahead of us. The students are winding up their science projects in the 4th and 5th grades, and the 6th graders did an amazing job at the MS/HS Science Fair. The Great Falls science fair for 4th and 5th will be March 10th at Great Falls College- MSU, and the 6th grade blue ribbon winners will go to regionals on March 12th. Congratulations to all of the students' hard work!   

On March 30th-April 2nd, our 3rd-8th grade students will be taking the required state standardized test called SBAC.  Please make sure to have your students get a good night’s sleep before the test and that they eat a good breakfast on those mornings. 

I am pleased to announce that the 3rd and 6th graders will be continuing their annual ski trip again this year. The 3rd grade will be going to Showdown Ski Area on Friday, March 13th, and 6th grade will go on March 27th.  When you see Mrs. Mazaira, please tell her thank you for putting these trips together for our kids.

Our spring Parent/Teacher Conferences will be taking place towards the end of the month. They are scheduled for March 24th and 26th. This is a great opportunity to be involved in your child’s progress in school, so please take this opportunity to meet with the teachers to discuss what is best for your child. When we get closer to the dates, the teachers will be sending home appointment slips to help set up a time that would work for you.  We will do our very best to make your time slot(s) are as convenient as possible. 

Just a reminder that Early Kindergarten and Kindergarten registration is now open.  To be eligible, Kindergarten students must be 5 years old and Early Kindergarten students must be 4 years old on or before September 10, 2019.  Come visit us to register your child and/or pass the word to families in the Cascade community who would benefit from this great opportunity.

Thank you,

Michelle Price

Elementary Principal

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