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February 28, 2019

Are we tired of snow yet?  I would just like to take a moment to publicly thank Damon for doing such a great job in keeping our buses running as much as possible during the severe driving and weather situations we have all faced this month.

The next group that deserves a big thank you are our bus drivers. As all of you know, it has been difficult to get around and as you can imagine, it is even more difficult when you are driving a big vehicle such as a bus. Now fill the bus with students and think about how stressful this would be. If you see one of our bus drivers please thank them for keeping our students safe.

Don’t forget to thank all of the people who have been responsible for keeping the roads in our area clean.  This has been a difficult job that has required many additional hours of work. Thank you to all of the people on the road crews and to all of the people who are volunteering their time and equipment to help clear snow for those in need.

If you live out of town, remember we are not out of the woods yet and when all this snow melts, we will have a whole new set of problems for our bus drivers to deal with.


Rick Miller

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