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October 25, 2018

Now that families and educators have settled into our school routines, it is time to focus on learning! Our MAPS testing is complete, and we have used these results to place children in learning groups that best meet their individual needs.

Please note that, per parent request, we have canceled the FACT/APTT parent engagement program. This school year, we are reinstating traditional parent-teacher conferences the week of November 5th. Classroom teachers will be sending out P/T conference schedules at the end of October. We do our best to work around your schedules, and really appreciate your flexibility in providing a couple of workable options. It is a challenge to schedule everyone in limited time slots. The conferences are your time for one-on-one conversations with teachers, so please feel free to address your questions/concerns at this time.  

We are excited to announce that in November through January, Mr. Tilleman will be offering after-school robotics through LEGO Education Solutions for students in grades 4-6th. Additionally, students in grades 1st-3rd will have the opportunity to participate in a two week after school NASA robotics course. We will be sending home sign-up sheets this month, so look for them in your child’s folder.

If you are a parent or a guardian of a child who is between the ages of 0-5 years, and are concerned about your child’s learning, talking, vision, hearing, social interactions, physical development, or behavior, please bring him/her to our free CHILD FIND screening on October 30th at 1:00. The purpose of this screening is to identify children who have potential delays that may interfere with learning. There is no need to make an appointment. Please pass the word to other families in our community that may be interested.  

Fall weather is upon us with dramatic shifts in temperature and precipitation from day to day. It is important that your child(ren) come to school prepared for a variety of weather conditions. Unless we experience below zero temperatures or extreme storms, students will go out for recess. Now is also a good time to make sure that children have snow boots, snow pants, hats/hoods, and gloves/mittens on hand. As you know, a Montana winter can set in at any time during the next few weeks.

Please note on the calendar that picture day retakes are on Nov. 26th. Of course, Halloween is on the 31st. Have fun dressing your children for these events while keeping in mind that they still go to recess and PE. Classroom teachers will share information about Halloween parties and our annual parade as the date approaches.


Hopefully, we will get a blast of Indian Summer before winter sets in. Enjoy the fall, and stop by anytime to visit.

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