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May 25, 2018

Best wishes to departing staff, and we extend a warm welcome to new arriving staff:

Departing: Supt Justin Barnes is headed to Anaconda as their new Supterintendent. Mandy Eike, Maintenance Supervisor, is also moving to Anaconda. Andy Perry, Science teacher, will remain in the area as a fishing guide.Teresa Weems is moving back to St. Regis to teach. Linda Cotton is retiring from teaching after 44 years. David Dobbins has accepted a job offer in Great Falls. April Pepos and Emily McCormick have both resigned from Xcell. JoAnn Vinson will leave the kitchen but will remain onboard as a sub. Board Chair Rick Cummings was defeated in his re-election attempt on the School Board. Erin Wombold is stepping down from the School Board.

Arriving and/or Changed Positions: Rick Miller is coming from Fairview as our new Superintendent. Neal Coon is coming from Plevna as our new Science teacher. Sarah Pederson is coming from Fairview to teach 2nd Grade. Eric Brandt is the new Maintenance Supervisor. Michelle Price and Heather Bricker will coordinate Title 1 services. Rachel Schaefer will return to teach 3rd Grade. Tina Mann and Andrea Ethridge will co-direct Xcell. John Rumney and Ruth Mortag were elected to 3-year terms on the School Board.

Technology Director pending interviews. Business Ed Teacher / BPA Advisor pending interviews.

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