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May 05, 2014

Congrats Badger BPA Teams for their OUTSTANDING accomplishments at the 2014 Nationals Leadership Conference!
  The computer animation team of Max Austin, Cory Cummings, and Chance Freed placed 5th! The parli pro team of Darby Bogden, Roman Lorance, Kacie Cummings, and Tahsha Wehr placed 8th! Chloe Whitten placed 17th out of a field of 88 in Keyboarding! Kacie Cummings was 20th of 296 in the individual parli pro test! Chloe Whitten, Max Austin, and Kacie Cummings earned their national certification in Microsoft Office Word! Chloe Witten and Corry Cummings received their MOS Word certification. Chloe Whitten, Max Austin, and Kacie Cummings earned their national certification in Microsoft Power Point! The Cascade Chapter was awarded one of the five top national awards given in this category - they received the national Safety and Drug Awareness award! Cory Cummings, Roman Lorance, Darby Bodgen, Kacie Cummings, Amber Wehr, Lydia Cope, Cassidee Boland, and Natalie Gerard all received their Ambassador Torch Award - the highest level that can be achieved in the BPA Torch Award Program! Recently elected Montana State BPA Officer Darby Bogden served as a voting delegate for the state of Montana, serving in that capacity during the entire conference election process. We know our kids are awesome. This proves it! Thanks Ms. Cotton for ALL of your hard work and effort.



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