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5th Grade Band


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Beginning Band Overview

Congratulations! Your child is starting what may be one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of their school lives; being a member of the band. Many of the students in this class will continue playing their instruments through high school and college. Some will play their entire lives. The students will also reap benefits in addition to the technique of playing an instrument. They will work on problem solving, teamwork, coordination, thinking skills, self-esteem and many other skills that will help them succeed in life. It is important for them to get a good start if they are going to benefit from band. They need to have good instruction, a good instrument and good practice habits. I will provide the instruction; you and I will work together to help your child learn good practice habits. Your decision to provide your child with a quality musical instrument is an investment in your child's future. In making it possible for your child to play a musical instrument, you are providing the opportunity for self-expression, creativity and achievement.

Here is some information about beginning band, including some of the expectations for each student and parents.

  • Each child needs a good instrument that fits them physically and suits their personality and musical inclinations. It is important that they have a quality instrument in good playing condition. Beware of instruments found on the internet or at discount stores. There are several brands to steer clear of because they are such poor quality that students will not be able to succeed. There are some others out there with no brand name at all that are of no value to a young musician, if you find an instrument and wonder about it, just ask myself or a music repairman.
  • Practice Time - This is probably the most important item to a childs' success in band! Each student must practice their instrument regularly in order to become good on their instrument. The amount of time each one needs to spend is different for each person, but a good place to start for beginners is 20 minutes of practice every day. For the first week or so this might be too much time because they are just starting, but after that they should all try to use this a guideline.

    A musical instrument takes much longer to learn than a video game, so it is usually up to the parents to make sure their children do their band homework (practice time) regularly for the "long haul".
  • The students' grades in band are based mainly on 3 things.
    1. Each day of band class the students are graded on the progress they show during class. For beginners this is the biggest portion of their grade.
    2. Practice time is not specifically graded this year, however it is crucial to their success.
    3. Tests are another part of evaluating each student's work. Most tests are playing tests where each student records themself on an assigned bit of music. This is where their practicing will show rewards. Concerts are major test scores, a band can only sound its best if every member is there contributing their part of the music.
    4. Extra credit may be earned by students attending other concerts or for performing for civic groups, in church, or similar performances.

  • Concert dress for 5th and 6th grades is to dress up! There are no color requirements.
  • The main goal of band classes is to help children learn to make music, appreciate music and other wonderful and beatuiful things in life. There are many other side benefits of learning to make music.



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