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Cascade School District is comprised of an Elementary District (District 3) and a High School District (District B). Since Ulm Public Schools is only a K-8 School District, their High School jurisdiction falls in the Cascade Schools High School District B. The Cascade Board of Trustees is comprised of 5 members that reside in the the Cascade 3 District & 1 member that resides in the Cascade B District, which represents the Ulm jurisdiction. The members that reside in the Cascade 3 District represent both Elementary & High School Districts (3 & B). The member that resides in Cascade B District represent only the High School District (B).
For the 2022 school election year, one member of the Cascade 3 & B trustees term was up for reelection AND the member of the Cascade B trustee's term was up for reelection, meaning the school would hold 2 elections.
Two candidates filed for the Cascade B seat, but one withdrew candidacy. According to MCA 220-3-313, if the number of candidates filing a declaration of intent is equal to or less than the number of open trustee positions to be elected, the trustees cancel the trustee election. Therefore, the Cascade B Trustee (Ulm representative) Election was canceled by acclamation.
Two candidates also filed for the one open Cascade 3 & B seat. Neither candidate withdrew, which means the election will be held. These are the ballots you may have received from Cascade Schools. This election was NOT canceled.
For any additional questions, please contact election administrator, Karsen Drury, at Cascade Schools (406) 468-9383.
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