Student Expectations During School Closure
Dear Students & Parents/Guardians:
As you are aware, Cascade Public Schools will be closed until it is safe to open our building again. It takes a lot of self-motivation and personal responsibility for students to direct their own learning in an off-site environment.
Student Academic Responsibilities:
● MS/HS students need to check their school email and Google Classrooms every day. Students completing work offline need to stop by the school at least twice a week to pick up new assignments and drop off completed work.
● Complete and submit the learning assignments/activities your teachers have posted on Google Classroom for each of your classes on the defined due date. If you have opted for paperwork, complete work and return to the school by the defined due date. Allow at least 48 hours for feedback on assignments so we can properly disinfect completed paperwork.
● You will have until 11:59 pm to submit any of the work assigned that day unless otherwise directed.
● Use your school email to reach out to teachers if you have questions or need assistance. Teachers are also available by phone and Google Hangouts Meet during regular school hours.
Student Chromebook and Technology Expectations:
● Keep your District Issued Chromebook charged, safe, and clean at all times.
● Remember District Technology User Agreements and the expectations for Student Use of Electronic Networks in the Student Handbook.
● Use appropriate language and email format at all times when emailing teachers, counselors, administrators, or when posting online. Make good positive digital choices!
● Use your school email and contact Mr. Miller ( if you encounter any technology issues.