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Parent/Teacher conferences were conducted last week on November 6th and 8th. 99% of our students were represented by parents or guardians.
The elementary school is in the process of implementing a new policy for missing assignments. Because academic success is dependent upon learning important information and skills from the work teachers assign, we feel it is imperative that all assignments are submitted. Missing assignments reports are printed daily and all students with missing assignments conference with a staff member to formulate a plan for getting the work completed. Staff members follow-up to ensure that the work is done and additional academic support and time to finish the task is made available. Additionally, parents receive email notification for any assignments that their child may have missed.
This fall, the elementary staff has focused on improving our walk-to-read and walk-to-math programs. Additional materials for reading were purchased this summer, and professional development was conducted to train our teacher in best practices. This allows us to move students to groups that best satisfy their learning targets, and use high-quality materials that provide consistency from one grade to the next. Currently, we are in the process of improving our walk-to-math program. Short online assessments will be conducted to target students’ learning needs whether it be remediation or acceleration. Then teachers use our existing Eureka Math materials to match their lessons to student needs.
This year, we have extended our RTI (Response to Intervention) program to include monthly meetings for our elementary teams that we started in October. The primary purpose of these meetings is to monitor student academic progress on a regular basis and make curricular adjustments when needed. The monthly RTI meetings are also a time for teachers to collaboratively evaluate our elementary programs and make changes when warranted.
Mr. Skogley is busy preparing the elementary students for our annual Christmas program on Dec. 13th from 7:00-8:00. There will be a dessert social and a visit from Santa to accompany the performance.
1/8/25 9:53 PM
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