We're still experiencing issues with our phones, but we're making progress. CenturyLink will install a new internet router in July and will transfer the four operating phone lines, restore one additional non-operating phone line, and add one new phone line, for a total of six phone lines serving the school, in addition to the fax line. Line quality and clarity should increase noticeably, according to the phone company. Our phone system auto-attendant will continue to answer all our calls, as this increases productivity within the building. If you already know the extension of the party you wish to speak to, simply enter that number when the school phone is answered. You can also listen to a list of one-number extensions to reach during the recorded announcement, or dial 9 to lookup any staff member with an assigned phone number. As many of our early morning and late afternoon calls need to speak with the attendance secretary, you may enter a 1 or ext. 101 to reach her. Remember, our phones are especially busy during the first and last hours of the school day. A complete list of staff with phone extensions is posted on the web page and can be downloaded and printed for reference. If you have problems reaching the school by phone, please let us know the details by email to david.dobbins@cascade.k12.mt.us. Thank you.
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